One Stop ICO (Initial Coin Offering) Development

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UK based startup company wanted to disrupt the content publishing and sharing market with power of Blockchain technology. Looking to raise money through Initial Coin Offering (also known as Initial token offering or token sale) using stable and secure crowd funding way.


One stop solution for ICO

ICO requires multiple technical requirements like token sale site, smart contract development, auditing, investor dashboard, token assignment, bounty portal and other security & performance aspects. So, it was a clear need of one stop solution for all technical requirements, so that the team can focus on other marketing and strategic aspects.

Responsive and Stable token site

Token sale site is the key marketing asset for every ICO. So, like others, this business needed token sale site that shouldn’t be highly responsive only but should be stable against DDOS & other major attacks. Smart Contracts for token and token sale: Basic needs of ICO startup is to have secure smart contracts for ERC20 standard token and contracts for secure crowd sale of the tokens. Client needed team who can write robust smart contracts, test it, and deploy over test net and main net.

Full Featured Investor Dashboard

Client was lunching token sale where ICO are being regulated. So, it required to have dashboard with has features like KYC/AML and complete transactions tracking. Moreover, client was looking for a solution where they can raise money through multi currencies and assign token automatically based on the investment done. Highly configured admin too.

Team that stand by 24 x 7

Success of the ICO depends on stability & security of the site, smart contracts and investor dashboard. Client was quite aware about the things can go wrong at any time, so they needed a reliable team which can work on stand by mode for 24 x 7 hours.


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